
Tuesday, December 7

Expecting a mini correction here. DOW should bounce at 11250.

Reasons to believe that short traders will be taking advantage of the weak volumes to short the market.

I think shorters will take down the market to roughly 11250 and from there we should see buyers again.

This is a wonderful trading opportunity and also a good opportunity to buy when it drops to 11250.


Stocks to buy include STD, BAC, JPM, WFC, C, X, AA, FCX

For leveraged ETF, I suggest buying FAS at $23.2


Oh and Netflix is a sure short. NFLX down.


This is a death mark for a sure winner short. Don’t take my word for it, do your own due dilligence. But I don’t think Netflix can survive being a $200 stock.

Reason: it needs 90 million subscribers to be a $200 stock. That’s almost 99.999% of the total US household.

HELLO me. I don’t need a Netflix in my household, I can share it. And I would rather use blockbuster internet service in the future, just to support my long time favorite DVD renter.


It’s still not snowing in New York thankfully.

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