
Tuesday, November 23

KOREA attacks US stocks

US GDP rose 2.5%, more than expected, but the Korean attacks destroyed the much needed sentiment to push through the psychological barrier at 1200 (S&P resistance).

As we approach the Turkey day, trading is going to be thin and this is why there was huge volatilities in the past 2 trading sessions. Buyers are sleeping to prepare for their delicious turkey feast.

I am also not trading and just preparing for my turkey day too.


NORTH KOREA … no comments.


I am still positive that there will be a santa claus rally. Thank north korea for a REAL STOCK MARKET BLACK FRIDAY SALE!


Marcelo said...

Hi, IRE is to buy? What s your opinion?

Unknown said...

sometimes you need to hold your breath and nerve to join the stock market. I sold my IRE @ 2.75...but now I'm not confident buy @ 1.01. Look the 3-year chart. I'm up today of all my stocks that I buy yesterday...except BAC from!!! But be patient. Happy thanksgiving guys esp. tradedragon my man.

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